35th Week

May - 13 2016 | By

I had a pretty packed 35th week! First, we are having the best Friday of the school year! There are 4 major things on this Friday. First, Q & U Wedding which teaches the Kindergarteners that there is no word that has Q and doesn’t have U right behind it. Next, we are getting to watch the 4th grade talent show which that will be pretty cool. But it was a little more fun when we got to do it last year. After that, we have the health talk which is going to be very weird but I guess we have to do it. So that is not much of a major thing. Finally, this is the best thing we have done all year. It is the teacher basketball game. It is the teachers and staff against 20 fast little 5th graders. I am on the team for Mrs. Cain’s team. I will just tell you the whole team. It is me, Finn, Justin, Cadence, and Sunshine. We are going to ball up on those young bloods. So each class has a team and each class gets a quarter to play. I also forgot one more thing that I forgot we got to listen to an alumni talk. That is when the fifth graders from last year come back to tell us about there sixth grade year. They gave us tips on what to do in OUR sixth grade years! That was phenomanal 35th week!File May 13, 8 14 38 AM

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