Pollution and Littering

Feb - 05 2016 | By

Littering and Pollution

By: Nathan Brusseau

Have you ever seen somebody just throw a piece of trash on the ground, and not pick it up? In the two articles “Drinking Water: Bottled or from the Tap?” by Catherine Clarke Fox and an article called “Art for Ocean Animals” by Elise Jonas-Delson they discuss the pollution and littering causing problems a over the world. In these next few paragraphs I will be telling the similarities and differences of these two interesting stories. Also, how we can help our country over come the pollution and littering problem.

In this paragraph I will be sharing with you the numerous similarities that these two stories have. First, littering and pollution are pretty much the same things. Problems! If you litter to much it will hurt our environment, the beautifulness of our country, and our animals in our world. If you let of to much pollution it will hurt us, animals, and environment. If you ask me I would not want all those things to go away. Next, in the article “Drinking Water: Bottled or from the Tap?” by Catherine Clarke Fox she states that you can help prevent this by using a refillable steel container instead of a plastic bottle. In the article “Art for Ocean Animals” by Elise Jonas-Delson she says that a lot of the kids on the beaches everyday can help by just picking up some trash for a good cause. Last, in “Drinking Water: Bottled or from the Tap?” by Catherine Clarke Fox and “Art for Ocean Animals” by Elise Jonas-Delson they both are daily problems in our lives. We drink some bottled water about everyday and that is a problem. Some people just have a habit in throwing trash on our environment but more specifically our beaches. Even though, we have numerous similarities there are still some differences in “Drinking Water: Bottled or from the Tap?” by Catherine Clarke Fox and “Art for Ocean Animals” by Elise Jonas-Delson.

Here are several differences between “Drinking Water: Bottled or from the Tap?” by Catherine Clarke Fox and “Art for Ocean Animals” by Elise Jonas-Delson. First, in the article “Drinking Water: Bottled or from the Tap?” by Catherine Clarke Fox the problem is pollution everyone is using plastic water bottles when they can use refillable steel cans instead of plastic. All of those water bottles are made with a lot of fossil fuel and that pollutes the earth. One fun fact is that Americans buy more water bottles than any other nation. In the text of “Drinking Water: Bottled or from the Tap?” by Catherine Clarke Fox she states that, “29 billion water bottles are made each year.” She also discusses, “manufacturers use 17 million barrels of crude oil. That is crazy! That is so bad when you can just use a refillable container, and just use the tap water. On the other hand, in the passage “Art for Ocean Animals” by Elise Jonas-Delson it is the littering that is the problem. People are just dropping trash on our beautiful country when they don’t know that animals think it’s food. When the animals eat this they get sick. Next, in the passage Drinking Water: Bottled or from the Tap?” by Catherine Clarke Fox she talks about, “if you can recycle bottles we can make them into things like carpeting or fleece clothing. However, in the article “Art for Ocean Animals” by Elise Jonas-Delson the author states that, “she can use all of that trash to make marine animals.

In conclusion, not littering and not polluting the Earth is very helpful. All of those animals that didn’t know not to eat trash shouldn’t of had to suffer like that. If us the people didn’t drop the trash on the beach or in the wild that would have never happened. I stated some solutions to these horrible problems with our Earth. So if we just obey the law and don’t litter or pollute our Earth would be a lot cleaner.

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